Monday, August 11, 2014

Etiquette in Gardening, Etiquette in Life.

For the past few years, I've been a member of our local community greenhouse.  The idea is that those of us with less than adequate growing facilities in our own back yards can rent a raised plot of organic soil in a huge greenhouse for around $2/square foot in order to still be able to experience the joy of gardening.  I first signed up while our yard was being newly developed, nothing more than a pile of rubble.  It's since been landscaped, and while I do grow a lot of my own veggies in my yard, I really enjoy the community aspect of the greenhouse.  You can try to grow almost anything you want in there as long as you keep to organic fertilizers and seeds.  I love seeing what other people manage to grow in there, which gives me ideas for next year (corn or tomatillos perhaps?).

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